Friday, August 16, 2024

Indian Staus

 India has too many of its roots in democracy corruption oppression/racism, and a social structure built out arrogance & jealousy which harbors crime & extremely bad company, aka the Wes. Like the US 🇺🇸 it creates anomalies in the population looking for innocent victims it can lure & kill, and covers up through accidents, disease or failure in life, then sucks up all resources & money of its victims. Today, this situation is grim in India 🇮🇳 and good people will find it hard to comply to any social indoctrination. Living here like a minority, even an endangered species. After several years of living here, paying taxes, enduring its people, the West, one should migrate and find refuge in other countries that are closer to Russia/Communism than capatilistic ones.

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