Thursday, June 27, 2024

My Enemy

 It seems and not to full certainty that people in my family, politicians, low class workers, and women/cops, want to see me to my deprecation, that I cannot flourish & prosper, or live in peace away from all the violence that they perpetuate in this world. Is this the same for everyone here? I for one have been dealing with them for almost 15 years now, and even after I think that I've won, they are still here coming after me whenever I make any progress in life. They want to corrupt everything that I want or desire. They won't let me leave this house; I'm living in a virtual death sentence according to their way!! Please help me get my way here, to overcome, overpower and dethrone them from power, which they are abusing like deep state/fascism.

Monday, June 24, 2024

Cover Up ?

 Did you get the meaning and actual circumstances of an alien cover up? Aliens always show up on conflict zones they get attracted to the heat of the conflict, mostly in Americas, Pacific, Australia. Curious that Asia is never visited by them? They definitely have something to do with the Wes. But they do exist! Fermi's paradox is just another lie or way of the West to come to our shores and wrong us by dictating that aliens are hoaxes. When did you see a problem or deficiency in your personal life? Then the paranormal stuff and the glitches you see in the matrix. This 'glitch' is when you've taken the lure and followed it to the final outcome, the eventuality of someone coming and you dying! Thats what a Wesern cover up is! So, be careful when not letting them in, otherwise they'll cause serious problems. But that will also happen if you do! Thus, the point is to fight, and not give into their lure or problem. Fight it out, break their way, and they won't be able to cover up. Noone has been able to do that with success so far, I'm also just waking up from a 35-year-old cover up of the Wes myself, that much time has made me weak. I now relay on young people who did not turn to the Wes or not took the lure at an early age. Those bright one's prodigies who can save the world from the nasty alien-Wes combo. 

Saturday, June 1, 2024

Arcane Ambitions

 These western hegemons here in my local society are just jealous like the British Raj in India. They haven't changed in their modus operandi of divide & conquer, taking away what belongs to you, stealing then not giving back to you, bullying, ransacking your premises. Who are these people now calling themselves low class workers being sent here by the Wes! To what end? that this house should not function, there should not be any work or routine done here! No food, no sanitation, no electricity, no water!? What they want is that we fight among ourselves and destroy ourselves here. I call them bast*$ds and incorrigible rustic idiots.