Wednesday, September 25, 2024

House Of Control

 Folks this politic applies to households, businesses even to an entire country. You are the master of this house, it is also the HQ of the nefarious transnational NARUS. You are in command and everything you want to do here is your way. But there is a problem, evil lurks here, and outsiders not welcome here are coming here to wreak everything you hold dear. So, stop your work, all that will happen on its own. They are terrorists so don’t talk with them, no dialogue will not lead to total annihilation of this place, and folks you all are connected, same will happen all over the world. So, don’t take them lightly just monitor them and make sure they don’t get their way and are not able to Cover-up and leave without consequences. Take charge, you are now master, ceo and president all in one. Beware of their arrogant leader, make him yield whatever way possible, but never directly.

Sunday, September 22, 2024

My Gamephile

Starting at 1996, intel pentium 100MHz, intel i740, Nvidia TnT2 Magic
Wing Commander 4, Duke Nukem 3D, Doom, Sin, Soldier of Fortune
Intel Pentium 3, GeForce 256
Quake 3, Star Trek Voyager Elite Force, Unreal Tournament, 
Dell XPS laptop, 2007
Quake 2, Doom 3, Quake 4
Sager GeForce 680m, laptop 2012
Crisis 1,2,3, Doom 3 BFG, FEAR 1,2,3, Rage, AvP3, Bioshock 1,2,3, Borderlands 1,2
PS4, 2018
Titan fall 2, Call of Duty Infinite warfare, WW2, Rage 2, Doom 2016, Alien Isolation, Days Gone, The Last of Us 1,2, Hitman, Mirrors Edge Catalyst, Spiderman, Assassin’s Creed Unity

Saturday, September 14, 2024

TV-News (1990-2017)

 I can’t emphasise enough about TV-News and its influence in this world. Regardless of the propaganda it’s propagating it globally is just something that encompasses everything and everyone, before it comes, and wreaks havoc and fatality in this world. For me it’s Sir and his people who bring me into news where I just die. Watch the movie Interstellar by Nolan to understand how death happens and how to escape it. Alien franchise is another one that you can watch to understand sabotage and crime and the cover up which hides it and ensures it, both. Once you’re able to demarcate its approach from the real, for you, then keep building confidence against watching news invariably making it obsolete and not real for you! That’s it you’ll be safe from it. Make it a habit.

Thursday, September 5, 2024

Rise of Narus

 The US/Wes stays jealous and keeps the world connected and indirect through its agents in all races, the ones who come and cause destruction that’s what you call tv-news events. These people who come are sociopaths and extremely bad company. So we deal with them in War! But this is a hybrid war being fought by various hero’s one all levels of civilisation hierarchy. Unfortunately it is eternal and you have to be prepared for it early on since birth through movies, games and education. You will find yourself lonely and anxious not finding any help or victory, because they stay jealous and keep covering up indirectly. So don’t sit on your success or failure but keep working towards how immaculately will lay down your next battle victory. Stay focused fearless and firm on being cornered or when facing an eventuality that’s when you’ll show up on tv-news.